Contingency Analysis of Ethiopia’s 230 kV Transmission Network

Göster/ Aç
Woday, Mohammed AhmedMammo, Enyew
Shituneh, Gezahegn
Getachew, Habtamu
Mohammed, Jemal
Dengesu, Reta
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Transmission line congestion is any one of the failure that leads the overall transmission network to be either in over loaded or under loaded condition. Loading effects of the entire network may lead the system to cascaded outage or total blackout. The study concentrated on the contingency analysis of Ethiopia’s 230KV transmission network a case of Sebeta to Kaliti transmission line. The outage of this line cause overloading on Gefersa to Kaliti transmission line and makes the system not to be secure and reliable; further cascaded outage will lead the system to the total blackout. The analysis of such problems has been investigated by considering four scenarios like normal state, single line outage, cascaded line outage and inserting Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC) in to the over- loaded line. As a result, the system became reliable and secure by inserting the device in the most sensitive line of the network.