dc.description.abstract | Bugün, iş tatmini ve mesleki tükenmişlik üzerinde önemle durulan konulardır. İş tatmini sağlanamadığında ortaya çıkan problemlerden bazıları çalışanların ve iş yerinin verimliliklerinin azalması, isteksizlik, işe gelmeme sayısındaki artış, çalışanlar arasındaki ilişkilerin zayıflaması ve tükenmişlik duygusunun artmasıdır. Tükenmişlik ile birlikte ilerleyen aşamalarda işten ayrılma niyeti, çatışma ve uyumsuzluk, iş kazalarında artış gibi sonuçlar da ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmada beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin iş tatmini ve mesleki tükenmişlik düzeylerinin aralarındaki ilişki ile birlikte incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, tarama modelinde ve keşfetmeye dayalı durum çalışması deseninde yürütülmüştür. Verilerin toplanması için anket, analizinde ise nicel analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini; 2016-2017 eğitim-öğretim yılında Başakşehir ilçesinde görev yapan ve basit rastgele örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 112'si erkek ve 40'ı kadın olmak üzere toplam 152 öğretmen oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın anketi demografik bilgiler formu, Minnesota İş Tatmin Ölçeği ve Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği'ni içerisinde barındırmıştır. Anketin güvenirlik oranı 0,845; geçerlik oranı ise 0,720'dir. Yapılan bu çalışma sonucunda beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin iş tatmini düzeylerinin %70, mesleki tükenmişliklerinin ise %33 olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bunların yanında, içsel doyum %76, dışsal doyum %63, duygusal tükenme %34; duyarsızlaşma %26 ve kişisel başarısızlık %39'dur. Ayrıca, beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin iş tatmini düzeyleri cinsiyet, çalışılan okul türü ve medeni duruma göre anlamlı farklılık göstermemektedir. Ancak, toplam çalışma yılına ve haftalık çalışma saatine göre çeşitli farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca, iş tatmini ve mesleki tükenmişlik düzeyleri arasında -0,149 oranında yani "zayıf" düzeyde "negatif" bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. Determinasyon katsayısı 0,02'dir. İş tatminindeki veya mesleki tükenmişlikteki değişmenin %2,22'si diğerindeki değişmeden kaynaklanmaktadır. Sonuç olarak çalışmamızda hizmet süresinin artmasıyla iş tatminin arttığı, ancak haftalık çalışma saatleri arttıkça iş tatminin azaldığı, tükenmişlik alt boyutlarında hizmet süresinin artmasıyla tükenmişliğin azaldığı, ancak 21 saat üzerinde tükenmişliğinde artmasıyla, İstanbul'da görev yapmanın haftalık çalışma saatlerinde etkili olduğu bunun da nedeninin ulaşım ve çevresel faktörlerin etkili olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Anahtar Sözcükler: İş Tatmini, Mesleki Tükenmişlik, Beden Eğitimi Öğretmeni. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Today, work satisfaction and occupational burnout are among emphasized issues. Some of the problems that arise when job satisfaction is not achieved are decreased productivity of employees and workplace, reluctance, an increase in the number of absenteeism, weakening of relations among employees and increased sense of exhaustion. Along with burnout, there are consequences such as intention to leave work, conflict and incompatibility, and increase in work accidents. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between the levels of job satisfaction and occupational burnout of the physical education teachers. The study was conducted in the screening model and the exploration-based case study pattern. Data were collected by questionnaire and quantitative analysis method was used for analysis. The sample of the research included a total of 152 teachers, 112 of whom were male and 40 were women, were selected by simple random sampling method in Başakşehir district, in the 2016-2017 academic year. Also, the questionnaire included a demographic information form, the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale and the Maslach Burnout Scale. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.845 and the validity rate was 0,720. As a result of this study conducted; it was determined that the job satisfaction level of the physical education teachers was 70% and the occupational burnout was 33%. In addition, internal satisfaction was 76%, external satisfaction was 63%, emotional exhaustion was 34%; depersonalization is 26% and personal failure is 39%. Furthermore, job satisfaction levels of physical education teachers did not differ significantly according to gender, type of school worked, and marital status. However, there were differences according to the total working year and weekly working hours. Moreover, there was a "weak" and "negative" relationship between job satisfaction and occupational burnout levels, with a rate of -0.149. The coefficient of determination was 0.02, meaning 2.22% of the variance in job satisfaction or occupational burnout results from the other. As a result, our study showed that job satisfaction increased with the increase of service period but work satisfaction decreased as the weekly working hours increased. Exhaustion decreased with the increase of service duration in the burnout subscales. In addition, we can say working in Istanbul with the reasons of environmental and transportation factors is effective on working hours as burnout increased with the increase of working over 21 hours. Key Words: Job Satisfaction, Occupational Burnout, Physical Education Teacher. Today, work satisfaction and occupational burnout are among emphasized issues. Some of the problems that arise when job satisfaction is not achieved are decreased productivity of employees and workplace, reluctance, an increase in the number of absenteeism, weakening of relations among employees and increased sense of exhaustion. Along with burnout, there are consequences such as intention to leave work, conflict and incompatibility, and increase in work accidents. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between the levels of job satisfaction and occupational burnout of the physical education teachers. The study was conducted in the screening model and the exploration-based case study pattern. Data were collected by questionnaire and quantitative analysis method was used for analysis. The sample of the research included a total of 152 teachers, 112 of whom were male and 40 were women, were selected by simple random sampling method in Başakşehir district, in the 2016-2017 academic year. Also, the questionnaire included a demographic information form, the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale and the Maslach Burnout Scale. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.845 and the validity rate was 0,720. As a result of this study conducted; it was determined that the job satisfaction level of the physical education teachers was 70% and the occupational burnout was 33%. In addition, internal satisfaction was 76%, external satisfaction was 63%, emotional exhaustion was 34%; depersonalization is 26% and personal failure is 39%. Furthermore, job satisfaction levels of physical education teachers did not differ significantly according to gender, type of school worked, and marital status. However, there were differences according to the total working year and weekly working hours. Moreover, there was a "weak" and "negative" relationship between job satisfaction and occupational burnout levels, with a rate of -0.149. The coefficient of determination was 0.02, meaning 2.22% of the variance in job satisfaction or occupational burnout results from the other. As a result, our study showed that job satisfaction increased with the increase of service period but work satisfaction decreased as the weekly working hours increased. Exhaustion decreased with the increase of service duration in the burnout subscales. In addition, we can say working in Istanbul with the reasons of environmental and transportation factors is effective on working hours as burnout increased with the increase of working over 21 hours. Key Words: Job Satisfaction, Occupational Burnout, Physical Education Teacher. | en_US |