Medical Education During Pandemic
Globally coronavirus has undeniably disorderly the significant,
traditional structure of medical training. Τhe advanced requirements of faceto-face have accelerated the transformation of an online training
environment, comprising both concurrent and contemporary virtual
education, alone with the commencement of modern methods for the trainee
assessment. Meanwhile, this extensive crisis had a significant impact on the
daily routine of medical learners along with their mental status and the
influence on their theoretical curriculum. The latest event has, on various
facts, been responsible for the’ misconduct’ of medical training as attribute
medical personnel, which has been observed by most of them as perfect
students and assisting proficiency and has resulted in divergent responses
from the academic organizations. After all surveys of institutions, the
necessity for provoking and latest modification for the recent circumstances
has been conducted as a springboard for outstanding innovations in medical
learning, comprising the progression of additional “evidence-based”
methods. The Covid pandemic have claimed instant transformation to distant
education in medical schools (Shahrvini, et al., 2020).
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