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dc.contributor.authorCan, Gülsüm
dc.descriptionDanışman: DOÇ. DR. KUBİLAY ÇİMEN Yer Bilgisi: İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Antrenörlük Eğitimi Ana Bilim Dalı / Spor Yönetimi ve Rekreasyon Bilim Dalı Konu:Spor = Sportsen_US
dc.description.abstractİnsanlık tarihinde çok sayıda salgın hastalık görülmüş, bunlar sağlık alanında başlayıp sosyal ve ekonomik krizlere yol açmıştır. Salgın hastalıkların etkileri, hastalığın kendine has özelliği, mücadele yöntemleri ise tıbbi-farmakolojik gelişmelere göre değişim göstermiştir. Aralık 2019‟dan itibaren tüm dünyayı etkisi alana Covid-19 koronavirüs pandemisi de geçmişte olduğu gibi yaşamın her alanını etkilemiştir. Sosyal yaşamdan eğitime, üretim ve ticaretten pazarlamaya, mesai saatlerinden çalışma koşullarına kadar pek çok noktada kısıtlama ve düzenlemeler söz konusu olmuştur. En çok etkilenen sektörler arasında ise insanların kalabalık olarak bir arada olduğu spor ve spor pazarlaması ilk sıralarda yer almıştır. Özellikle spor salonlarının faaliyetlerine ara verilmesi ve getirilen kısıtlamalar çok sayıda çalışanı ve müşterisi bulunan bu işletmeleri üyelik iptali, kayıt dondurma ve yeni üye bulma noktasında zora sokmuş ve çeşitli pazarlama stratejileri geliştirmeye yöneltmiştir. Bu kapsamda hazırlanan çalışmanın amacı Covid 19 pandemisi sürecinde spor kulüplerinin yaşadıkları sorunları, pandemi döneminde alınan önlemleri ve uygulanan pazarlama stratejilerini ortaya koymaktır. Bunun için de çalışmada İstanbul ilinde faaliyet gösteren 10 fitness kulübünde yönetici olarak görev yapan 20 katılımcı ile yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme soruları ile bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Nisan-Mayıs 2021 döneminde yapılan araştırma sonucunda fitness kulüplerinin yöneticilerinin spor pazarlaması açısından öncelikle müşterileriyle her türlü kanaldan iletişime önem verdikleri, sürekli bilgilendirme yaptıkları, mevcut müşterileri elde tutabilmek üzere ilave önlemler aldıkları, yeni müşteriler kazanabilmek için çaba gösterdikleri ve pandemi sonrası için iyimser bir beklentide oldukları görülmüştür.en_US
dc.description.abstractMany epidemic diseases have been seen in the history of humanity, which started in the field of health and led to social and economic crises. The effects of epidemic diseases, the specific characteristics of the disease, and the methods of struggle have changed according to medical-pharmacological developments. The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, which has affected the whole world since December 2019, has also affected all areas of life as in the past. There have been restrictions and regulations at many points from social life to education, from production and trade to marketing, from working hours to working conditions. Among the sectors most affected, sports and sports marketing, where people are together in large numbers, took the first place. Especially the suspension of the activities of sports halls and the restrictions imposed forced these businesses, which have a large number of employees and customers, to cancel membership, freeze registration and find new members, and led them to develop various marketing strategies. The aim of the study prepared in this context is to reveal the problems experienced by sports clubs during the Covid 19 pandemic, the measures taken and the marketing strategies applied during the pandemic period. For this purpose, a research was conducted with 20 participants working as managers in 10 fitness clubs operating in Istanbul province with semi-structured interview questions. As a result of the research carried out in the period of April-May 2021; In terms of sports marketing, it has been observed that the managers of fitness clubs primarily attach importance to communication with their customers through all kinds of channels, constantly inform, take additional measures to retain existing customers, strive to gain new customers and have an optimistic expectation for the post-pandemic.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMany epidemic diseases have been seen in the history of humanity, which started in the field of health and led to social and economic crises. The effects of epidemic diseases, the specific characteristics of the disease, and the methods of struggle have changed according to medical-pharmacological developments. The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, which has affected the whole world since December 2019, has also affected all areas of life as in the past. There have been restrictions and regulations at many points from social life to education, from production and trade to marketing, from working hours to working conditions. Among the sectors most affected, sports and sports marketing, where people are together in large numbers, took the first place. Especially the suspension of the activities of sports halls and the restrictions imposed forced these businesses, which have a large number of employees and customers, to cancel membership, freeze registration and find new members, and led them to develop various marketing strategies. The aim of the study prepared in this context is to reveal the problems experienced by sports clubs during the Covid 19 pandemic, the measures taken and the marketing strategies applied during the pandemic period. For this purpose, a research was conducted with 20 participants working as managers in 10 fitness clubs operating in Istanbul province with semi-structured interview questions. As a result of the research carried out in the period of April-May 2021; In terms of sports marketing, it has been observed that the managers of fitness clubs primarily attach importance to communication with their customers through all kinds of channels, constantly inform, take additional measures to retain existing customers, strive to gain new customers and have an optimistic expectation for the post-pandemic.en_US
dc.publisherİstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsüen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectCovid-19 Pandemesien_US
dc.subjectSpor Pazarlamasıen_US
dc.subjectSpor Kulüpleri.en_US
dc.subjectCovid-19 Pandemicen_US
dc.subjectCSports Marketingen_US
dc.subjectSports Clubs.en_US
dc.titleCovid 19 pandemisi sürecinde spor kulübü yöneticilerinin pazarlama yaklaşımlarıen_US
dc.title.alternativeMarketing approach of sports club managers during the covid 19 pandemic processen_US
dc.departmentLisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorCan, Gülsüm

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